Basement Oil Leak Cleanup
Smell a big problem?
Maybe your basement oil tank is leaking a little.
Maybe it looks like a full-scale environmental disaster.
Stop what you’re doing, go somewhere safe and call HTC.
Petroleum fumes and discharged oil can create a serious health hazard and take your home’s heating system offline. Thankfully, we can fix it fast (and for free).
Make HTC Your First Call
Just one call to HTC and we’ll dispatch a team for emergency basement remediation, clean up the oil and remove the old tank for free.
We obtain funding from the Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund (VPSTF) on your behalf to cover the complete cost of the cleanup and tank removal. Even big basement oil tank leaks don’t have to cost you a dime.
Learn more about how we work with the VPSTF fund.
Now what?
Then, unlike some other companies, our team transfers any oil left in your broken tank into a temporary storage container to reconnect the fuel to your heating system right away.
Once you’re back in a clean, heated home, we can install a new above-ground oil storage tank outdoors, for factory-direct pricing.
What to Expect When You Have a Basement Oil Leak
When you’ve got a basement release, we take action fast, performing the professional environmental services Roanoke businesses and homeowners have been depending on since 2007.
- Same-day emergency response service
- Site investigation and consultation
- No-cost oil tank removal and basement oil remediation using the VPSTF fund
- Temporary storage tank installation to fuel your heating system using your salvaged oil
- Complete above-ground storage tank installation to restore your heating service
Contact Us
Call or fill out the form below to get in touch with our team today
Copyright 2015